How to earn money online 2020

 How to earn money online:-

hello friend welcome back on our blog and today our topic is how to earn money online. as you know that we are living in as  kind of world where money play most important role for us . without money  you can't imagine your life and   if you want to make your dreams true then you also know that money is the only key to make you success and this is the only reason why i choosed this topic. if you want to earn money online then be with us till end because we will tell you about two ways where you can earn enough money and rest of  will depend on your efforts.

First way of earning online money is blogging:-

i think no one is here who didn't hear about blogging. when we hear about blogging then first question arise in our mind what is blogging. in simple word blogging is a platform where you can share your experience, skills and knowledge. it is a kind of web where you can invest your time and earn money. today it became the platform where you can earn enough money . the next question which comes in our mind is how we can earn money through blogging. first of all you have to create a blog and purchase domain and hosting and i want to advice you that if you are new then you do not need to purchase domain and hosting. you should work on free blog sites like and when you have enough money then purchase domain and hosting. after creating blog you have to write content  because content is the only source through which users comes. so you have to write content on topic which is in demand. rule of blogging:- more you write more users  will comes and more you earn.

Second and best method of earning online money:-


youtube this word is most familiar to us.  And everyone know that youtube is a platform where you can create and share your videos .it is the one of the best method of earning money online . for earning money from YouTube  you have to open a YouTube channel and make interesting videos on latest content and publish it on YouTube . you have to gain 1000 subscriber and 4000 watch time hour in 12 months to earn money from YouTube.  and i think  you should  try it at least once.

at above i told you that how can you earn money online and i also gave you short  detail about blogging and youtube. today these two method are very populer for earning and most of people earning from these two methods and i think you should try at least once and i want to tell you that there is no shortcut for money . you have to start it and it may happen that you will fail but still  you have to move forward. i will tell you more about youtube and blogging in my next topic. if you have any query please comment.

Thank you 😊


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